In this second installment of a new video series on Transportation TV entitled On Time with Tymon, AASHTO Executive Director Jim Tymon explains why it’s critically important for the Federal Communications Commission to preserve the 5.9 GHz wireless spectrum for transportation safety purposes.
The AASHTO Board of Directors, the U.S. Dept. of Transportation, and auto industry leaders have called on the FCC to maintain the spectrum’s “reserved” status as they work to implement connected vehicle technologies that carry the promise of reducing or eliminating human factors in traffic crashes. According to NHTSA 94% of all serious crashes are caused by human error.
In 2017 NHTSA says 37,133 people died in traffic crashes in US. State DOTs have been working with the FHWA and the private sector to develop connected vehicle technologies using real world testbeds that communicate using the 5.9 GHz “safety spectrum” set aside by the FCC for transportation safety purposes. The goal of preserving the spectrum for safety, is to save tens of thousands of lives every year.